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“Technology is the pen and paper of our time, and the lens which we experience most of our world” David Warlick


At All Saints’ Primary School, we aim to utilise children’s love of technology and provide them with the skills to access all of the new careers that are emerging revolving around IT and Computing. Not only do we intend to allow children to explore and learn about a wide variety of technology and programmes, we aim to teach them how to use them safely, both online and in the classroom. Children will be supported and encouraged to develop their knowledge and skills in the following different areas: Coding & Computational Thinking; Using Spreadsheets; accessing the Internet and emails; writing and presenting; music; creating and understanding databases and graphing; using technology for art and design and looking at communication and networks.
Each year, children will continue to build on their previous knowledge of the appropriate computational vocabulary and apply that to their current phase of learning. We strongly believe that, by following our curriculum, children will have a coherent understanding of different platforms of technology and how the application of these skills is incredibly versatile and valuable.


Following our ambition to provide all children with the ability to access and understand different aspects of the Computing and IT curriculum, learning outcomes are overseen by the Computing and IT lead within the school. A whole school overview ensures that skills are continually developed as children progress through the school and each year group completes various aspects of the Computing and IT curriculum building a well-rounded knowledge of each of the individual aforementioned sections. Children will be provided with relevant information and with opportunities to work interactively both in explicit computing lessons and across other areas of the curriculum. Within the classroom, children have the opportunities to work individually and in pairs with different technology (such as iPads, laptops and other programmable equipment) which allows them to easily explore and discuss ideas. Throughout the Computing and IT curriculum, children will have access to certain tasks and will work individually and in pairs to overcome any barriers to their learning and improve their resilience and problem solving skills. Teaching in the classrooms is supported by the use of the Purple Mash scheme.


Pupils that leave All Saints’ Primary School will do so with a comprehensive understanding of Computing and IT vocabulary and demonstrate the knowledge that they have learnt throughout the progression of skills they have developed throughout their school career. Pupil voice will also show that children can confidently identify their own strengths within Computing and IT and can discuss areas for development. Pupils’ work will show the range of opportunities they have been exposed to both independently and collaboratively to develop their skills and further demonstrate their progression of skills. The Computing and IT curriculum lead will ensure that standards and outcomes are at an expected level throughout each year group of the school and provide any whole school CPD that is necessary to support all teaching staff. 

Below you can see the topics that are taught in Computing for each year group.

Computing Long Term Overview